Sunday, August 23, 2009

Another reader in the household

Well he really isn't a reader, he's probably going to be another chewer! I am the proud mama of a 9 week old chocolate and tan dappled mini-daschund. In keeping with his massive and imposing stature of 2 pounds (absolutely soaking wet) and maybe 9 inches of length and about 4 inches to the top of his head, his name is George Augustus the First. (Georgie or Geo for short) His daddy is working on his AKC Champion points and George and I may check out a couple of puppy shows. But he has to work on his distessing habit of falling stone cold asleep in the middle of conversations, his food dish, the latest mystery novel or an exciting movie....he won't win any points if he falls asleep in the show ring. Gotta go, rescue a paperback from George and try and get him to actually take a walk and tuck him back into bed.

Happy reading and happy happy happy new puppy

Monday, August 10, 2009

A few quick summer reading recommendations

NOONE and I mean noone does creepy romantic suspense better these days than Karen Rose. She has a new standalone out and her series books are great as well. Check out this author.

David Rosenfelt just wrote a new one in his dog lawyer series. No the dog isn't a lawyer Andy Carpenter is the lawyer, just made his name and added to his considerable fortune with a case involving a dog and those kinds of cases just keep coming his way. New canine character in this one...a rather lively Burmese Mountain Dog puppy named Waggy (really Bertrand II but wouldn't you rather be called Waggy?) who becomes the target of a crazed killer.

And last but not least, Nora Roberts new stand-alone sort of mystery more of a love story Black Hills is's a great pool or beach book.

Gotta go--but please pick up a book and read!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Readers come in all shapes and sizes!

Here's one of my favorite reading companions....the only problem is he wants to EAT the books rather than read them with me.....

Summer Reading and The Classics

Looking at the calendar and seeing that it's already August reminded me of years past when August meant pulling out summer reading list recommendations (which really means a list of books you MUST read before school starts or be so far behind you will never catch up). And that reminder made me both nostalgic and angry. Nostalgic not only for the dim distant past when I was young enough to look forward to back to school but for the days when August meant running from place to place getting each child their complete back to school list (even though some of the supplies would never be used and most wouldn't be used for months and months and months) and choosing the exact right outfit for that crucial first day of school impression.

But it also makes me angry to realize how many children and young people are turned off reading by these reading lists including the 'classics' and the 'must reads'. Reading should be a pleasure not a requirement. To this day I HATE Shakespeare due to an inept and pompous Sophomore High School English teacher (I won't reveal his name, my luck he's lurking in cyberspace and reading this one blog). Jane Austin, please give me Georgette Heyer instead, Homer, Beowulf, Hemingway, To Kill a Mockingbird---never. The only 'classic' I ever enjoyed throughout my many years of education was Caesar and that was only because I had the privilege to read it in the original Latin (yes I was not only a BandGeek I was also a Latin Club nerd). And I was a child who LOVED to read....just don't tell me what I HAVE to read to become a well-read and educated person. And who makes up these must-read booklists anyway?

What is my point..if you're a parent and you have a child who maybe isn't an avid know the type, we read until lights out and spent hours trying to convince our parents/grandparents/aunts and uncles and various other caretakers that it wouldn't make us too tired or sick to read all night and no our eyes didn't hurt in the dim light of a flashlight under the covers.....PLEASE don't force your child to read. I have 4 children, one of them took after his Mom and read anything and everything in sight--he even likes some of the classics! I have 2 daughters, one has always been a reader, the other one not so much at first. My youngest son devours books but only of a certain genre and then will wait months for another of his favorites to be published.

My biggest reader success was with my oldest daughter. I would always tell her "read, anything you the back of cereal boxes, ads in the paper, the trailer along the bottom of the TV, anything! Someday you'll discover you actually like to read." And you know what? She does. So, don't push your non-reader. Be patient and one day you will also hear....:hey, let's go to Borders I have a BIG list of books I need to get. "

Happy bedside stack gets bigger and bigger and now that it's a new month, there will be new treasures being published and more to add to the stack. I LOVE it!